What Makes Flip Out the Best Indoor Play Centre & Birthday Party Venue






indoor play centre

Your kids deserve a childhood packed full of fun and activity, but it can be a challenge to keep that up every hour of the day. That’s why indoor play centre like Flip Out exist! But how do you know which one to choose from the many options across Australia?

In our humble opinion, there is only one right option, and it has more than 20 locations in four states — it’s Flip Out! When it comes to finding the best indoor play centre and birthday party venue, you can’t go past the flipping good time to be had with our professional ninjas.

If this blog doesn’t convince you, get in touch with our team to learn more about the fun that awaits at Flip Out.

Our Values

At Flip Out, we challenge your children to think creatively about their physical activities and (safely) find the limits of their abilities. This can inspire a lifetime of physical activity, improving their overall wellbeing long after they’ve graduated from ninja class.

We’re always showing the kids a pathway to improvement. If they want to play with the big ninjas, then they have to learn the skills and techniques that allow them to improve. This mindset can be applied to their wider lives too, as they improve their social, cognitive, and physical skills at once.

Our Classes

Flip Out may offer general entry for the casual ninja, just as any other play centre might, but we also have a range of classes to suit kids of all ages and abilities.

Ninja classes are run each school term, and ninja students are encouraged to book a full term (10 weeks) to get the full experience.

These classes are offered as beginner, intermediate, and advanced ninja classes, with a list of skills ready for the kids to tick off across the term.

For the younger kids aged from 2 to 5, our mini Ninjas class offers a super fun activity for them to develop their gross motor skills with a focus on movement, balance, and agility.

These classes run for 30-45 minutes, and our most eager students can stay and play around afterwards too.

If you are super keen on instilling a lifestyle of physical activity from a young age. We even offer playgroup sessions! Bring your children up to 5 years old and watch them learn the ropes while you relax at the Flip Out cafe. We have experienced staff on hand to keep an eye on the kids. It helps keeping them safe and happy while you take a breather. This is a great way to tire them out before returning home in a fun-filled daze.

Our Catering

Birthdays are a breeze at Flip Out with a range of packages to suit your needs and your kids’ styles. You can sit back and relax while our kitchen ninjas whip up a great mix of party food and drinks. Also including up to two hours of jump time. Alternatively, ask about our self-catered party package, where all of the decorations, food, and drinks are on you!

The self-catered package is popular for families who prefer to craft every angle of their dream party. Or who simply don’t love ice cream cake!

Check out our parties page to learn more about the range of packages on offer at Flip Out’s various venues.

Our Events

Just when you thought Flip Out did it all, we do even more! There’s always an exciting event in the works to keep the kids coming back for more and more fun.

These include our House Party night, After Dark event, private functions. And various Fun-Raising events that we hold around the country.

It truly is non-stop action at Flip Out, making us the best choice for an indoor play centre or birthday party places!

If you need more information, contact our ninjas. And they’ll give you some sneaky advice on how to book, how much it costs. And where you can find us near you.