Build social skills for kids through fitness






Three kids in Ninja trampoline class

Having a great group of friends is really important for kids, and it goes beyond having someone to sit with at lunch. When they can socialise with others their age it helps them learn how to maintain relationships, work as a team, communicate better, and can even help support their mental health.

How group exercise develops social skills for kids

1. Teaches teamwork

When kids participate in exercise as a group, whether it be through fitness classes or organised sports, it can teach them when and how to rely on others and work together. With activities that need cooperation, they have a common goal and can learn how to share responsibilities and support one another as they reach this goal. This is great for forming relationships with others and is a valuable, transferrable skill that your kids can use to communicate like a pro in the future.

 2. Creates compassion and empathy

Working together towards a shared goal can go beyond building teamwork. Part of cooperation involves understanding emotions and as kids learn to understand each other it can help them form compassion and empathy.

For example, if one child in the group is struggling, it can help teach the other kids to be more patient and supportive. When they’re thinking about ways to help the other child, they are putting themselves in the that child’s shoes to find the best solution. This helps them develop an understanding that everyone has their own perspectives and encourages them to be more sensitive to others’ feelings.

3. Calls for communication

During group exercise activities, kids can learn how to talk to each other effectively. For example, if they have a partner in a fitness class, they will need to communicate with them in order to get the outcomes they both want. That outcome might be a shared goal in a team activity, or it might just be a fun game they’ve made up themselves!

This can also teach them how to make requests like asking for help or for things to slow down. The ability to make these requests can be a basis for communicating thoughts, feelings and needs which helps build confidence and teaches them how to stand up for themselves. Plus, these activities will be led by an instructor, so kids can also learn how to follow rules and instructions.

4. Encourages sharing

When it comes to group exercise, there won’t always be enough equipment, resources, and space to go around. This means kids will have to take turns and account for others, promoting sharing and compromise while they learn to be considerate of others around them. These are vital friendship skills that will set children up for success and help them connect with others into adolescence and adulthood.

5. Boosts bravery

Participating in group exercises with other kids can push your child out of their comfort zone and expose them to new things. This takes bravery, and by tackling things that make them feel nervous, your child can grow their confidence and improve their self-esteem. This self-esteem can then power their interpersonal skills in school and beyond. 

Plus, there may be a situation where your child has to take charge, whether it be guiding a group member, helping introduce a new kid to the class or leading an exercise. This can help them develop their leadership skills and instil even greater confidence.

Getting social at Flip Out

At Flip Out, we have a range of activities and exercises that can double as social skills training for kids, from our Ninja classes, to our Playgroup sessions, to our general admission entry. Each of our centres offer a new environment for kids where they are exposed to peers their age and can step out of their comfort zone together. Bring your child along so they can make new friends, gain confidence, and build up their social skills. 
Check out your local Flip Out to see what’s on offer!