Top tips for planning a kids’ birthday party






Flip Out party room

Have you got a kid’s birthday party coming up that you need to plan for? There can be a lot to do and remember, especially if you want to make it EPIC.

Thinking of birthday ideas for kids then getting it all organised can be a tad overwhelming. Between work, school, sports events, and other extracurricular activities, it’s easy for party planning to take a back seat. So, here’s our TOP TIP for you – consider hosting your party at an event space or venue. They can act as your kid’s party planner partner and handle a lot of the finer details for you. You can think big picture, while they do the rest.

Here is our guide on making the hosted party process as easy as possible

Tips for planning a kid’s party

1. Pick the right venue

This is the first, and most important step. Look into places suited for the size and interests of your party crew. Indoor play centres or trampoline parks are great options. There have awesome activities available for guests to enjoy, and weather isn’t a worry! Just be sure to research what party planning support is on offer.

2. Choose a great theme

Who doesn’t love a theme? It can be something as simple as a colour, where everyone comes in their fav green get-up. You can also choose princesses or superheroes, or even a theme that aligns with your venue (hint, our favourite is ninjas)! Once you’ve picked your theme, this can help inform the rest of your kid’s birthday party planning.

3. Get your invitations sent early

It’s a good idea to send out your invites at least 4 weeks before the event. That way you’re more likely to have a full crew attending! Include, the date, time, location and theme. You can even describe what to expect at your chosen venue! If you’re lucky, your chosen party space might even make invitations available for you. Simply share the important details, and they’ll do the rest.

4. Sort out your decorations

Balloons! Streamers! Themed tablecloths and plates! These are all great ways to elevate your party space. An exciting environment creates excited guests, so don’t forget about this step. A lot of the time, your party venue will supply some of this for you, but you can also get creative with your own additions. Even better if they’re on theme! Just triple check what decorations are permitted, as some venues aren’t a fan of confetti or poppers.

5. Plan activities

So, you’ve got the spot, the guests, and the look, now it’s time to think about what your guests can do at your kids’ party. See what your venue has to offer by way of incorporated activities or games. You could also come prepped with some easy games that can work in any environment like tag, dance freeze or stuck in the mud. You could even hire an entertainer like a magician, or one that matches your theme!

6. Consider your catering

Don’t forget that kids get snacky! It’s a good idea to ask for dietary restrictions on your invitations so you can account for all your party crew. That can help you decide what you should provide, or give guidelines to your venue if they’re doing the catering. Most will offer this, but you should be able to bring your own food if you prefer. And of course, don’t forget about the cake!

7. Think about party favours

Party favours are a great way to say thank you to your guests for coming. This could be a small party bag filled with delicious treats, or even just a memento like a temporary tattoo. Sometimes party venues include this in your party package!

8. What to do for set up and clean up

Everything is sorted and your day has arrived! You should show up at the venue a bit earlier to make sure everything is ready or set up your own decorations. That way you’ll be prepared for your guests! If tips 1-7 have gone to plan, your party should run smoothly and be an absolute hit. Want to know the best thing? You won’t need to clean up once everything is done! That will all be handled by the venue. Just do a final sweep of the area to make sure no one has left anything behind.

Ask Flip Out about planning a kid’s party

At Flip Out, we offer COOL, AWESOME, INSANE and self-catered party packages (plus some more, depending on which centre is your local). These each come with different costs and inclusions. Not only is this a super fun environment, it makes your planning easy. Let us handle all the above details, while you focus on fun. Find out more!